Kitchen Pantry

When you are at home – saving money to travel in the near future – sometimes you spend hours and hours researching a subject online.  Then you go crazy and decide, “I can do that!”
Painting to match the wall.

This site continued to appear in every search to purchase a ‘pantry’ to fit between the wall and the fridge:

Assembling the frame.

Finally, it had to be done – DIY – one day project (if the weather is nice enough for the paint to dry quickly).

Cut all the pieces to the correct size,
assemble the frame and paint.  While the paint dried, installed the inside background.  Found a super cute curtain for the inside — had to iron it on one side and staple it tightly without any wrinkles to the other side.

Ironing the curtain.

Add wheels and it is beautiful!

*** Note:  it does not slide all the way in because WE FORGOT about the UPPER CABINETS and made it too tall.  However, it is beautiful enough to look at so we are not going to remove the top shelf and we are not going to remove the upper cabinets. ***


Beautiful! Just need to cover the screw heads and it is all done!