This is a beautiful little town. We walked around after dinner at a great restaurant called YNot (yes, I reviewed it on Trip Advisor). Funny sign on the way to the “toilet” – I posted it on Instagram. The signs here are fun!
At the restaurant, you are seated by the hostess and look at the menu. When you are ready to order, go to the counter. They bring the food to the table. A mix of sit-down restaurant and fast food.
The sun was sort of setting during our walk on the beach. There were surfers in the ocean and kayakers in the canal. I am certain they were freezing even with the wetsuits.
On the 2nd night, Kristopher went on a run to the castle. He texted me that it was awesome so I walked out to join him. It was 10pm but it doesn’t really get dark so off I went. Here in Scotland there is no such thing as trespassing so we hopped fences and walked through the sheep pasture. The sheep always move away from us with their cute little lambs.
The castle is broken down and in ruins but it is pretty cool. There are enough stones so you can see where the stair cases were and fireplaces and windows. It was worth the walk in the almost dark and cold.