When you are at home – saving money to travel in the near future – sometimes you spend hours and hours researching a subject online. Then you go crazy and decide, “I can do that!” Continue reading Kitchen Pantry
Category: Thoughts
Living Intentionally
Vickie Travelz
I just finished a great book series. The main character wants to build a community of people who LIVE INTENTIONALLY, what a great concept!
Living Intentionally — knowing what you want to do and then doing it. I can certainly use more of this in my life. Do I even know what I want to do? Sometimes I think that I do but then I spend lots of time reacting to life circumstances.
When we decided to become Travel Agents, Keith and I were dreaming about turning our hobby into our profession. I never dreamed it would be so involved. This is not easy!
My eyes have been opened to a whole new world of possibilities when traveling. I am so excited to share some of the new things I am learning and I am even more excited to travel in new ways. However, I am going to have to really be INTENTIONAL about where I want to go. Just because it s a really good price and looks fun is not INTENTIONAL — I will be gone all the time and I won’t be earning any money for the next trip! I will get tired of traveling very quickly if I do that.
My husband, Kevin, and I have wanted to take a cruise to Alaska for many years. Wait until you see how many different ways there are to accomplish this trip! It is going to be so much fun to choose! Sign up for our email list so we can send you lots of great information on the different opportunities available.
The name of the series? Hearthland by Chautona Havig. I was able to get a special copy — the entire series for my kindle, I was so excited. The only drawback was that there was no ending to one book and beginning of the next book. It was hard to talk myself into putting the book down. I am going to put an amazon link to the first book (which is currently a FREE digital ebook) at the bottom of this post so you can check it out for yourself.
Travelz with Amazon Prime
While you are traveling take advantage of the following Prime features:
- Free Movies and TV shows
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Enjoy all those features while at home AND enjoy
- Free 2-day shipping on many items — be careful because all Prime items don’t have this available.
My father – rather, the man I called my father – passed away. My husband went over for their weekly visit and there was no answer at the door or the phone. When he opened the door to find him “sleeping” on the couch with an ashen face and cold to the touch, all his nightmares came true. He is glad that I am not the one who opened that door but I know it was hard for him.
People ask if they can bring food — takethemameal.com — great invention. People ask if there is anything they can do. I have made those same gestures myself.
But really, what can anyone do? You are sitting there in a daze and have to keep reminding yourself that you should really be doing something. But when you pull yourself out of the daze to cancel the payments, the cable, the telephone, notify the landlord and regular things that need to be done.. everyone wants a copy of the death certificate. You don’t get that for about 10 days.
What do I do for 10 days? Life goes on but somehow I can’t really participate 100%. I am really good at Scarlet O’Hara’s “I’ll think about it tomorrow”. I am scatter brained and hope that I made sense to someone and that I don’t mess stuff up too bad. I have re-read lots of books, nothing of substance because I just want to lose myself in a fantasy world.
Update your will.
Pre-plan your own funeral.
Hug your loved ones and don’t miss any opportunity to tell them that you love them.
Re-join the world, just a few hours at a time.